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Objectives: To assess the caries risk and contribution of diet, bacteria, circumstances and susceptibility sectors among special groups in. Professor D. Bratthall developed the concept and the formula for the Cariogram. The PC version was created in collaboration with Dr L. Allander and K-O. Lybegrd B.Sc., and the manual was written by D. Bratthall, G. Hnsel Petersson and J.R. Stjernswrd. Reproducibility of Interactive Cariogram Software Versus Manual Caries Risk Assessment Form The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. the Cariogram manual. The program presents a pie dia-gram with five sectors in which “circumstances” are based on caries experience and related diseases, “bacteria” is based on amount of plaque and mutans streptococci, “susceptibil-ity” on fluoride exposure, saliva secretion and saliva buffer Cariogram describes the cause and sequence of caries risk.

Cariogram manual

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345–350. Publication type: original article. Language: Polish. Cariogram jako metoda oceny ryzyka choroby próchnicowej u młodzieży szkół ponadgimnazjalnych w wieku 16–18 lat – badania wstępne Cariogram Internet Version, 2004 1 CARIOGRAM MANUAL a new and interactive way of illustrating the interaction of factors contributing to the development of dental caries D. Bratthall, G Hänsel Petersson, JR Stjernswärd Cariogram, Internet Version 2.01. Cariogram Manual. Add to My Bookmarks Export citation. Type Document Author(s) D Bratthall, G Hänsel Petersson, JR Stjernswärd Date 02/04/2004 Issue 2.01 Web address Cariogram • Cariogram is a new way in which to illustrate the interaction between caries related factors.

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It also simultaneously expresses to what extent different etiological factors of caries may affect the caries risk for that particular patient. Cariogram manual 201net 1. Cariogram Internet Version, 2004 1 CARIOGRAM MANUAL a new and interactive way of illustrating the interaction of factors contributing to the development of dental caries D. Bratthall, G Hänsel Petersson, JR Stjernswärd Cariogram, Internet Version 2.01.

Cariogram manual

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Cariogram manual

284, CareLink, Diagnostik och utredning, Pacemakerprogram. 285, CareLink pro, Diagnostik och utredning, Diabetesprogram. 286, Cariogram, Tandvård. 01 09 2018 · Cariogram Internet Version, 20041 CARIOGRAM MANUAL a new and Move the cursor to the respective ranges 0-3 or 0-2 and choose your score  9/1/2018 · Cariogram Internet Version, 20041 CARIOGRAM MANUAL a new and Move the cursor to the respective ranges 0-3 or 0-2 and choose your score (0  01 09 2018 · Cariogram Internet Version, 20041 CARIOGRAM MANUAL a new and Move the cursor to the respective ranges 0-3 or 0-2 and choose your score  Download Samsung Samsung Es19 Bruksanvisningar | Manual Kindle.Samsung Samsung Es19 Online Guide For Ipod.Cariogram Manual :: Google Manual. Cariograma Bajar de internet: cariogram (a) Programa: http Fem tippar V75 till Mantorp 18 april | Allt Om Trav. Fem tippar V75 – Nästagångare trav. Cariogram är ett sätt att illustrera interaktioner mellan kariesrelaterade faktorer.

Cariogram manual

Objectives: To assess the caries risk and contribution of diet, bacteria, circumstances and susceptibility sectors among special groups in. Professor D. Bratthall developed the concept and the formula for the Cariogram. The PC version was created in collaboration with Dr L. Allander and K-O. Lybegrd B.Sc., and the manual was written by D. Bratthall, G. Hnsel Petersson and J.R. Stjernswrd. Reproducibility of Interactive Cariogram Software Versus Manual Caries Risk Assessment Form The safety and scientific validity of this study is the responsibility of the study sponsor and investigators. the Cariogram manual.
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As prediction models, the methods a … Cariogram is an educational program developed for better understanding of the multifactorial disease dental caries.

subgingival Assessing caries risk – using the Cariogram Model. Cariogram.
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It also simultaneously expresses to what extent different etiological factors of caries may affect the caries risk for that particular patient. Cariogram manual 201net 1. Cariogram Internet Version, 2004 1 CARIOGRAM MANUAL a new and interactive way of illustrating the interaction of factors contributing to the development of dental caries D. Bratthall, G Hänsel Petersson, JR Stjernswärd Cariogram, Internet Version 2.01. PDF | On May 12, 2018, Ricky Pal Singh and others published Cariogram - A Multifactorial Risk Assessment Model for Dental Caries | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Cariogram är ett datorbaserat riskbedömningsprogram som belyser en individs kariesrisk och samtidigt olika orsaksfaktorers tänkbara inverkan på denna risk. Analysen baseras på data om bl.a.

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Cariogram is an educational program developed for better understanding of the multifactorial disease dental caries. It illustrates the “caries risk” and possible.

CARIOGRAM MANUAL a new and interactive way of illustrating the interaction of factors contributing to the development of dental caries. D. Bratthall, G Hnsel Petersson, JR Stjernswrd Cariogram Internet Version, 2004 1 CARIOGRAM MANUAL a new and interactive way of illustrating the interaction of factors contributing to the development of dental caries D. Bratthall, G Hänsel Petersson, JR Stjernswärd Cariogram, Internet Version 2.01. April 2, 2004 Special conditions for use of the Internet Version, see: The Cariogram is a graphical picture illustrating in an interactive way the individual's/patient's risk for developing new dental caries in the future. It also simultaneously expresses to what extent different etiological factors of caries may affect the caries risk for that particular patient. Cariogram manual 201net 1. Cariogram Internet Version, 2004 1 CARIOGRAM MANUAL a new and interactive way of illustrating the interaction of factors contributing to the development of dental caries D. Bratthall, G Hänsel Petersson, JR Stjernswärd Cariogram, Internet Version 2.01. PDF | On May 12, 2018, Ricky Pal Singh and others published Cariogram - A Multifactorial Risk Assessment Model for Dental Caries | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Cariogram är ett datorbaserat riskbedömningsprogram som belyser en individs kariesrisk och samtidigt olika orsaksfaktorers tänkbara inverkan på denna risk.