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Because the MathSciNet reference list journals are only a portion of all journals covered by MathSciNet, these counts will typically be undercounts of the total number of references in the published mathematical literature. 1970-01-01 2021-03-27 2019-08-12 2018-06-08 The numbers in parenthesis are the number of citations listed on MathSciNet. More info is available clicking on names and years. The major prizes that are taken into account are the Fields medal, Abel prize, Breakthrough prize, Chern medal, Ostrowski prize, Gauss prize, Shaw prize, Ralph Schock prize, Wolf prize and Maryam Mirzakhani Prize. 2020-05-04 A journal citation search will return information on citation trends for that journal, not for specific articles within the journal. To search select the Journal Citations tab, enter the name of the journal and select a year of interest. The results will then display the Mathematical Citation Quotient for that journal.

Mathscinet citations

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1800s-present. 2021-03-08 · MathSciNet. MathSciNet, from the American Mathematical Society, offers citation analysis via simple searches for authors, journal titles, subjects, and year. The MR database contains references from 1997 onward for some of its journals, and from 2000 onward for all journals. The Mathematical Citation Quotient (MCQ): The Author Citations tab only searches for authors with cited publications.

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Total Citations: 411  av N Obrechkoff · 1958 · Citerat av 1 — MathSciNet Google Scholar · Download references. Authors. Nikola Obrechkoff. View author publications Download citation.

Mathscinet citations

MR: Patriksson, Michael - 341005 - MathSciNet:mathscinet

Mathscinet citations

Citings to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) databases used by computer scientists, engineers, and mathematicians were analyzed for coverage and impact in the literature. This study uses the Web of Science (WoS) database to conduct a cited reference search to ACM Digital 2021-03-17 · Mathematical Research Letters. ISSN Print 1073-2780 ISSN Online 1945-001X. 6 issues per year 2021-03-17 · Asian Journal of Mathematics.

Mathscinet citations

Broad subject searches by citation find the most-cited expository books. Reference lists are collected and matched internally from approximately 550 journals, and citation data for journals, authors, articles and reviews is provided.
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MathSciNet contains information on over 3.6 million articles and books, with direct links to almost 2.3 million articles in over 650 journals. MathSciNet includes expert reviews, personalizable author profiles, and citation information on articles, books, journals, and authors. 2016-12-30 · Since a few months citations (attribute to a given article and whose existence can be observe on other database) do no seems to appear on Mathscinet or only with a very long delay. As a consequence the total number of citations attribue to a given author appear smaller than it would have been without the recent changes in the system Mathscinet Databases are the discovery mechanisms used for searching and browsing scholarly information.

In addition to providing reviews for most  Consists of reviews and citations to the world's research literature in mathematics and related areas. Database Access. MathSciNet. Database Information.
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In columns 2, 5 and 6 the equality means: “(in the given time period) the number of all ISI citations, minus the number of ISI self-citations, equals the number of ISI non-self citations.”More explanations on the reverse. Name ISI citations 2003–2010 MathSciNet 2003–2009 M.S.Net’til 04-24-2010 ISI citations 2003 ISI 2019-01-29 2016-12-30 MathSciNet uses a fielded search.

MR: Patriksson, Michael - 341005 - MathSciNet:mathscinet

MathSciNet also has extensive citation information. Mathematical citation quotient. Mathematical Reviews computes a "mathematical citation quotient" (MCQ) for each journal. Like the impact factor, this is a numerical statistic that measures the frequency of citations to a journal.

Om databasen. Databas som innehåller hela Journal citation reports.